Freedom In Christ Jail Ministry Volunteer Application

Form Entry

Freedom In Christ Jail Ministry is dedicated to those behind bars, praying for Christ to enter the hearts served by our ministry. If you are called to serve the incarcerated and meet the ministry qualifications, we would love to learn more about you and prayerfully add you to our ministry team.
Matthew 25:36c NIV: "You visited me...I was in prison and you came to visit me."
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Ministry Information

Background Information

Each volunteer must be at least 21 years of age and have not been arrested within two years of application date. All volunteers must clear a background check and complete orientation at all facilities.

Jail Ministry Do's

1) Be prepared - Study God's Word and pray. 2) Be on time, 15/20 minutes before the start of each service. 3) Bring Bible. 4) Dress appropriately. 5) Know and follow the rules of the facility. Obey officers at all times. 6) Be honest. 7. Be a good listener. 8. Be dependable and consistent. 9) Be cautious; some inmates will try to con or manipulate you 10) Speak in a clear, simple manner 11) Use wisdom when counseling, especially with inmates of the opposite sex. 12) Be sure you have permission before distributing Bibles/Christian literature. 13) Work at remembering inmates names, both for follow-up and prayer. 14) Keep record of inmates that receive Jesus as Lord and Savior 15) Encourage inmates to study the Bible and develop a prayer life. 16) Honor your commitments. 17) Keep confidential information given to you by an inmate, unless it compromises security.

Jail Ministry Don'ts

1) Give out your personal information, i.e. phone number, address, or anything related; use Colorado Community Church's information. 2) Run errands or deliver anything for an inmate 3) Take or give ANYTHING to an inmate. 4) Make promises that you cannot or will not keep. 5) Bring in contraband. 6) Criticize or embarrass any inmate or jail personnel. 7) Write a letter of recommendation for an inmate, or make contact with family members. 8) Be shocked or surprised by anything an inmate says or does. 9) Argue with inmates. 10) Call inmates boys or girls. 11) Do not give advice that has not been requested. 12) Get involved in legal matters. 13) Go into service discouraged. 14) Talk about unnecessary controversial subjects.

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Freedom In Christ Jail Ministry Team. You will receive a call from the ministry leader within 72 weekday hours.